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Finally, a NEW Design has come to the Internet

It is here. After much conflicted feelings as a author and website designer for the past 25 years, I have updated the look and feel, or design, of my website.

It is here. After much conflicted feelings as a author and website designer for the past 25 years, I have updated the look and feel, or design, of my website. It has been tough, as with any site I have created, to sit and go back and look at a website I have designed. You see, I am a perfectionist and I have been known to change a design multiple times (11 times for one website launch!) prior to launching the website to the Internet.

I’m a fan of many authors in many different genres of writing. I look at their websites, their newsletters, blog posts and YouTube channels and know I need to step up my game when it comes to building my author brand. So, after some work, and 3 redesigns prior to launch, I am finally ready to reveal my new author website to the world.

I hope that you like it. I know I believe it is a more professional look and feel then the last site.

p.s. On a side note, the second book in my Greenlight Boys series, Search for Truth, is more than half way completed in the writing stage. I’m shooting for an October release of it so that I can work on the third and final book in the series, Attack on Dreadnought.